Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Ghost in Love (Jagwimo, 1999)

Ghost in Love (Jagwimo, 1999)

Lee Kwang-Hun


126 min, color, Korean (English subtitles)

Review © 2001 Branislav L. Slantchev
What would you do if your fiancee dropped you like a bad habit for the promising relationship with his boss' daughter? Would you take revenge on the three bikers who raped you in front of your boyfriend? How far would you be prepared to go? Would you be ready to sacrifice your soul?
When Chae-Byul (Kim Hee-Sun) discovers that her long-time boyfriend and fiancee Han-Soo is fooling around with Hyun-Ju, she contemplates suicide with the thought of punishing him by dying in front of him. While she stands perilously close to the edge of a subway platform, two ghosts appear and urge her to jump. She almost does but when she hesitates, one of the ghosts gives her a nudge and she is crushed by the train.
She finds herself admitted into SGA: Suicide Ghost Association, which, by the way is the alternative title of the film, whose members are people who have committed suicide, and whose purpose is to recruit new members, by any unorthodox means possible. They also encourage other unsavory activities, like taking bloody revenge and such. Chae-Byul is quickly drawn to the dark side of Pale Face, a vengeful spirit, who is seeking to murder to three thugs who had raped her in front of her boyfriend. Chae-Byul entertains bitter thoughts of sweet vengeance and wreaks some havoc in the unhappy Han-Soo, but every time she is about to do something rash, Seung-Woo stops her and dissuades her.
Seung-Woo (Lee Seong-Jae) is a strange bedfellow: restrained and reticent, he does not appear to blend in well with the crowd at SGA. Moreover, he seems to be helping people rather than induce them to die. Although not dead of his own volition, he is nevertheless with the renegade ghosts of SGA because he was unable to forget Young-Eun, his love and survivor. After a car accident, he is brought to a local hospital in such critical condition that the doctor refuses to operate. Young-Eun decides to do it herself but she is unable to save him.
What should a ghost do? Or, rather, what should we do when someone hurts us? How far can we go in a quest for retribution? Should we even attempt it? The film's position seems to be that there are things in life which are beyond mercy. Take, for example, Pale Face. She is hunted by the netherworld police for judging living beings (and finding them wanting). She is in danger of losing her soul forever and yet when she finally catches up with the last of the rapists, she plunges her long nails straight to his heart. There is no mercy, there is no rejoicing, there is only sadness and emptiness in her gaze. Yet she does it and then accepts the punishment without a flinch.
On the other hand, human frailty should not be harshly judged. Chae-Byul's initial instinct is to scream bloody murder and thwart her unfaithful fiancee get-rich-quick scheme. Although not prepared to go the extremes of Pale Face, she nevertheless almost knocks him off the roof when she hears him blab about her being nothing more than a sex object. Eventually, and through the good offices of Seung-Woo, she comes to the realization that regardless of how much she would like to hurt her ex, she should not do it. Still, according to the unusually harsh penal code of the netherworld she must be punished for the attempt. And the punishment is death forever...
Ghost in Love is a CGI-fest, but with taste. Unlike its big-budget siblings this side of the pond, the film uses effects judiciously to create the dramatic atmosphere where characters can fully develop their individual tragedies. As such, the film is mostly actor-driven despite the effect-laden surface. The two main leads, Kim Hee-Sun, the gorgeous and talented star of the recent hit Bichunmoo, appears as the dreamy and confused ghost who cannot decide how much pain she can take in order to let her past alone. Her equally handsome partner, Lee Seong-Jae, is also up to par with a very subdued but forceful performance. The chemistry between the two is so strong, one is surprised how little the film banks on a romantic link there. I must say I enjoyed the effects and I think the mix was incredibly well done. Another big plus for the film is the music, reminiscent of the techno sound of Enigma, which fits the mood perfectly.
I was also fond of the lack of sermonizing here. As mentioned above, the film seems to make a distinction between rape and abandonment and seems to sanction certain acts, which would routinely be condemned by more "modern" or "civilized" scripts. Regardless of this position, however, the story is about a woman's efforts to come to grips with a failed relationship and decide whether love is indeed forever, or whether it dissipates as so much smoke. The performances keep the story buoyant and the CGI provides some excellent eye-candy. Overall, the film is a great experience and should not be missed.
The Korean Spectrum DVD is excellent. The letterboxed picture transfer is very high quality, something that seems the rule for releases by that company. The Korean soundtrack is superb, with no drops, degradation, or hiss in the quiet parts. The English subtitles are bright and readable and although the translation had some minor problems, it was much above average. The disc is also choke-full of extras: a trailer, TV spot, CGI clips, outtakes, Making Of featurette, cast info, and a music video. Although everything is in Korean only, the material is still usable to monoglots with the exception of the Making Of and the cast info (what a pity). Definitely worth the $20, the disc is a welcome addition to any drama/fantasy/korean film shelf.
October 1, 2001.
Content updated Mon, Nov 02, 2009 and copyrighted © 2001-2009 by harusame
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A CurtainUp Review Bloody Poetry

A CurtainUp Review
Bloody Poetry

By Elyse Sommer

I think the theatre's a real bear pit. It's ot the place for reasoned discussion. It is the place for really savage insights
---Howard Brenton
British playwright Howard Brenton's Bloody Poetry, a factional drama about two immortals of the Romantic Age, Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley, and the women they loved (and abused), has been given an exquisitely simple staging by Synapse Productions. Scenic designer Adrian W. Jones takes us from Switzerland to England and Italy with a bare, angled wooden platform on which just a few ropes can evoke a picture of two men on a storm-tossed boat. An evocatively lit painted background reminiscent of a Turner landscape, lovely, period perfect costumes and atmospheric sound effects and music further enhance the visual pleasures. Although director David Travis has not prevented Brenton's script from rambling off in too many directions and with allusions to events and figures not likely to be familiar to American audiences, it is nevertheless an interesting mix of social commentary and historic romance.

Brenton presents Shelley and Byron as the sort of outrageous celebrities one would today find on the cover of tabloid magazines. Both poets defied coventionl and as the play shows their pursuit of free love (a term coined by Byron) was hardly heroic when judged in terms of the pain caused to wives, lovers and children. By the time we meet the men and their mistresses, they have self-exiled themselves on the shores of Lake Geneva. Shelley has become a notorious atheist (according to his biography the twenty-four-year-old Shelley came to his notoriety by virtue of an incindiery pamphlet "The Necessity of Atheism" and a visit to Ireland where, filled with revolutionary ardor, he addressed the Irish parliament). Robert Southey, who is mentioned several times, was also a poet but one who became a staunch Tory and had pronounced Shelley to be a "base, bad man", dangerous to know despite his genius. The older, hard-drinking, bi-sexual Lord Byron has been dubbed "the brat aristocrat" and voluntarily separated from his wife and England to escape gossip about his incestuous relationship with his half-sister.

The get-together of the poets and their paramours -- Mary, the future Mrs. Shelley, and her stepsister Claire -- sends conversational sparks flying. Poetry, revolution and sexual freedom are discussed, names also in the news are dropped (e.g. poet-critic Leigh Hunt and the aforementioned Robert Southey). But while there are numerous issue-related monologue and duologues, there is also the drama of the ever more knotty tangles that bring bitter consequences for these practitioners of unbridled love.

Claire, the romantic tells us "I lifted my skirt for the good of English poetry " only to find herself abandoned by Byron who grandiosely dismisses his behavior with "My abuse is a gift. It will enrich your diary". Worse still he eventually removes the child of their union from her custody, placing her in a convent where she dies at age five. Shelley's first wife Harriet drowns herself and haunts him and Mary for the rest of the play and to add yet another development, Shelley and Claire, who lives with him and Mary after Byron's desertion, put his belief in free love to yet another test.

The cast of six brings the assorted portraits from the past to life with the competence that one has come to expect from this company. Adrianne Dreiss stands out as Mary. Her constant voice of reason in the face of Shelley's (Erik Steele) incessantly idealistic talk is especially revelatory in a scene at the top of the second act when she proposes marriage as he weeps and wails about his wife's suicide. Though it's not part of her story in this play, Mary was to become even more famous than her husband with her creation of Frankenstein (the classic icon of gothic literature was in fact borne during a story writing contest proposed by Byron during a stormy summer evening). 

Among the disappointments in the performances is Adrian La Tourelle's tendency to be more belligerently Napoleonic than Byronic and Michelle Federer's ghostly Harriet who could use a little more of the manic fire of the wife in the attic of Jane Eyre. On the other hand, Omar Metwally adds a nice touch of sly nastiness as Polidori, who was in fact Byron's physician but who here serves as a paparazzi style narrator who disdains but also envies these convention defying creative geniuses.

As Mary Shelley became famous in her own right, Byron's estranged wife was an heiress and mathematician whom you may recall as a character in Tom Stoppard's Arcadia. That splendid play is now old enough to fit the Synapse mission of "distinctive productions of classic theater". It might be an apt future undertaking for the company.

Bloody Poetry
Written by Howard Brenton
Directed by David Travis

Cast: Adrian LaTourelle, Erik Steele, Adrienne Dreiss, Lael Logan, Omar Metwally and Michelle Federer.
Set Design: Adrian W. Jones
Costume Design: Katherine Hampton
Lighting Design: Thomas Dunn
Sound Design: Jane Shaw
Additional music: Michael Friedman Running Time: 2 hours plus one 10-minute intermission

Selasa, 12 Juli 2011

10 Hal yang Tak Terbeli dengan Uang

Uang, siapun butuh uang. Orang Dewasa, Remaja bahkan anak – anak kecil sekalipun kenal dengan benda yang namanya uang. Memang uang penting dalam kehidupan, tanpa alat tukar ini kita tidak mungkin bisa memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Uang membuat sebagian orang bisa melakukan banyak hal daripada orang yang tidak memilikinya. Tetapi seberapapun pentingnya uang, masih ada hal yang tidak bisa dibeli dengan uang.
1. Waktu

Uang tidak akan bisa mengembalikan waktu yang telah berlalu. Setelah hari berganti, maka waktu 24jam tersebut akan hilang dan tidak akan mungkin akan kembali lagi. Karena itu gunakan setiap kesempatan yang ada untuk menyatakan perhatian dan kasih sayang anda kepada orang yang sangat anda sayang dan anda cintai, sebelum waktu itu berlalu dan anda menyesalinya.
2. Kebahagiaan
Memang kedengarannya aneh, Tetapi inilah kenyataannya. Uang memang bisa membuat anda merasa senang karena anda bisa membiayai liburan mewah, memberi laptop dengan fasilitas yang sangat modern, atau modifikasi mobil. Tapi uang tidak bisa menghadirkan secercah kebahagiaan dari dalam lubuk hati kita.
3. Kebahagiaan Anak
Untuk membelikan makan dan pakaian yang bagus – bagus untuk anak tercinta memang membutuhkan uang. Tapi anda tidak bisa menggunakan uang untuk memberi rasa aman, tanggung jawab, sikap yang baik serta kepandaian pada anak anda. Hal ini merupakan buah dari waktu dan perhatian yang anda curahkan untuk mereka dan hal – hal baik yang anda ajarkan. Uang memang membantu kita memenuhi aspek pengasuhan, tapi waktu telah membuktikan bahwa kebutuhan dasar tiap anak adalah berapa banyak waktu yang diberikan orangtuanya, bukan orangnya.
4. Cinta
Cinta tidak bisa dibeli dengan uang, akuilah hal ini benar. Memang dengan uang kita bisa membuat orang tertarik, tapi cinta berasal dari rasa saling menghargai, perhatian, berbagi pengalaman dan kesempatan untuk berkembang bersama. Itu sebabnya banyak pasangan yang menikah karena uang, tak bertahan lama.
5. Penerimaan/Persahabatan
Untuk diterima oleh lingkungan pergaulan, Anda tak butuh uang. Bila Anda ingin diterima, fokuskan energi Anda untuk membuat diri Anda berharga bagi lingkungan sekitar dengan menjadi teman dalam suka dan duka.
6. Kesehatan
Kita butuh uang untuk membiayai perawatan dan membeli obat, tapi uang tak bisa menggantikan kesehatan yang hilang. Itu sebabnya pepatah lebih baik mencegah daripada mengobati sebaiknya kita terapkan. Mulailah berolahraga, berhenti merokok, dan banyak hal lain yang pasti sudah Anda tahu.
7. Kesuksesan
Beberapa orang memang ada yang mencapai kesuksesan dengan menyuap, tapi ini adalah pengecualian. Kesuksesan hanya berasal dari kerja keras, kemauan, dan sedikit kemujuran. Ada aspek kecil dari usaha menuju sukses yang bisa didapatkan dengan uang, misalnya mengikuti pelatihan atau membeli peralatan, tapi sukses lebih banyak berasal dari usaha yang Anda lakukan sendiri.
8. Bakat

Kita dilahirkan dengan bakat tertentu. Dengan uang, yang bisa kita lakukan adalah mengasah bakat tersebut, misalnya belajar musik. Namun para ahli mengatakan, untuk menjadi ahli di bidangnya, kita membutuhkan bakat.
9. Sikap yang baik

Banyak orang yang kaya raya tapi sikapnya kasar dan ucapannya sinis. Tak sedikit orang sederhana yang tutur katanya sopan dan menunjukkan rasa hormat pada orang lain. Jadi, jumlah uang yang dimiliki bukan penentu sikap seseorang.
10. Kedamaian

Bila uang bisa membeli kedamaian, barangkali kita tak lagi mendengar tentang perang. Justru yang sering terjadi sebaliknya, uang lah yang menjadi sumber pertikaian dan permusuhan.
Bonus : Surga

Apabila surga bisa dibeli dengan uang, maka orang akan berlomba-lomba berbuat dosa dan maksiat

Minggu, 24 April 2011

HUJAN DARI HAMIDA .. Original By: Cobra Sweat Matoa ° (Sastra Amardi)

HUJAN DARI HAMIDA .. Original By: Cobra Sweat Matoa ° (Sastra Amardi)

Tidak ada yang benar-benar tahu Apa yang terjadi di luar sana

Bidang hamparan biru dan hijau 
Tidak ada yang benar-benar tahu 
Seberapa sering Air mata menangis Dan mengapa menangis
Hujan saat basahan menyirami kendaraan kita

Tidak ada yang benar-benar tahu 
Mengapa burung terbang Dan mati Begitu cepat untuk siapa dan mengapa
bukan untuk siapa hati bertindak seperti ini. 

Tidak peduli apa yang cinta katakan atau apakah saya selalu akan mencintaimu ?

Dalam hati bertanya kaulah cinta yang indah
ketika kita menjerit atau berteriak. 
Rasa tak henti berharap dalam cerita tapi aku mengerti di segala macam cara. 
Aku mencintaimu karena itulah kamu, 
saya duduk di sini dan bertanya-tanya siapa kamu berpikir Hujan Cinta dari Hamida

bukan untuk bertindak seperti. Tidak peduli apa yang Cinta katakan atau apakah saya akan selalu cinta padamu. Tidak ada yang benar-benar tahu Mengapa imajinasi hanya dapat digenggam Dalam mimpi Dan kata-kata

untuk siapa Saya Ada, 

bukan untuk siapa Saya bertindak seperti ini.
Tidak peduli apa yang Saya katakan atau apakah saya selalu akan mencintaimu. Dalam hati saya bahwa ada satu hujan terindah

Saya berharap Hujan Cinta dari Hamida
bagian yang tidak dilakukan. 
Saya suka ketika Cinta membawa saya keluar. 
Aku benci
ketika kita menjerit atau berteriak. 
Cinta bertindak bodoh dengan apa yang Cinta katakan tapi aku mengerti di segala macam cara. 
Aku mencintaimu , 
Aku duduk di sini dan bertanya-tanya siapa Saya berharap Hujan Cinta dari Hamida
bukan untuk siapa Saya bertindak seperti. Tidak peduli apa yang Saya katakan atau apakah saya akan
Aku duduk di sini berpikir sendirian di hujan, memikirkan kesedihan saya, penderitaan, dan rasa sakit. selalu memikirkan cinta untukmu. Tidak ada yang benar-benar tahu Mengapa nafsu lebih persuasif dari pada cinta Mengapa laki-laki lebih kuat Dan perempuan lebih lembut 

seperti langit menangis dan saya juga, memikirkan bagaimana aku hilang

Aku rindu pelukan dan sentuhan lembut, dan  bilang kau peduli padaku begitu banyak
Saya berharap Hujan Cinta dari Hamida .

Saat aku duduk di sini menonton gulungan badai ombak, 
semua yang saya pikirkan adalah dirimu
 , dan bagaimana Mimpi pergi. 
Ketika saya melihat awan gelap di atas, 
Aku duduk di sini dan bertanya-tanya siapa Saya berharap Hujan Cinta dari Hamida

HUJAN DARI HAMIDA.. Original By: Cobra Sweat Matoa ° (Sastra Amardi)

RAIN FROM HAMIDA .. Original By : Cobra Sweat Matoa ° (Sastra Amardi)

Original By : Cobra Sweat Matoa ° (Sastra Amardi) 

No one really knows
What goes on beyond
The sphere of blue and green
No one really knows
How often you cry
And why
It rains when you wash your car

No one really knows
Why the hummingbird flies
And dies
So soon
for who you are,
not for who you act like.

No matter what you say or do I will always love you.
In my heart your that special one.

when we scream or shout.
You act foolish with what you say
but I understand in all kinds of ways.
I love you for who you are,
I sit here and wonder whom you’re thinking Love Rain from Hamida

not for who you act like.
No matter what you say or do I will

always love you.
No one really knows
Why imagination can only be grasped
In dreams
And words

for who you are,
not for who you act like.

No matter what you say or do I will always love you.
In my heart your that special one.
the part that isn't done. I love
when you bring me out. I hate

when we scream or shout.
You act foolish with what you say
but I understand in all kinds of ways.
I love you for who you are,

I sit here and wonder whom you’re thinking Love Rain from Hamida

not for who you act like.
No matter what you say or do I will

I sit here thinking alone in the rain,
thinking of my sorrow, misery, and pain.
always love you.
No one really knows
Why lust is more persuasive than love
Why men are stronger
And women are softer

It’s like the sky is crying and I am too,
thinking of how I’m missing you.
I miss your hugs and gentle touch,
and the way you tell me you care for me so much.

As I sit here watching the storm roll on,
all I think about is you, and how you are gone.
As I look at the dark clouds above,
I sit here and wonder whom you’re thinking Love Rain from Hamida

Original By : Cobra Sweat Matoa ° (Sastra Amardi) 

Kamis, 03 Maret 2011



Akulah Cobra Sweat Matoa 
terlahir di Surabaya 
menjelang mentari pagi
menjelajah dialam rimba 
sampai ke Pelosok Ujung belantara Papua 
Mengarungi Samudera membentang Cinta 

Cobra Sweat Matoa  itulah aku
Diriku bukan manusia sempurna..
cinta dan kelembutan 
belaian roman itulah aku pasukan cobra..
sinar bercahaya menerangi hati dan penuh kelembutan

katakanlah wahai kata yang diam seribu bahasa
apakah maknamu bisa bermakna tanpa kata
apakah nilai kiasan kata itu dalam kamus sang pujangga..

bisakah warna itu terlihat indah 
jika warna itu sendiri tampak memudar
wahai alam tersiar dedaunan Liar
Jayapura yang penuh pesona
beserakan Karena Cinta 
Tertiup angin dibelantara hutan sampai kepenjuru surabaya Dan jakarta 
seakan menyentuh dan mendapatkan kekasih bayangan 
sebagai pupuk bagi tanah gersang dan tanaman organik

pesona semerbak ramai kota dalam gaya
ya indah mempesona memikat mata ... melangkah bersama para sahabat dalam cerita dipenjuru indonesia
berjalan menyelusuri keindahan wajah dalam rupa belaian roman pujangga

sungguh indahku nikmati hidup apa adanya 
dalam kacamata sang pujangga
tertawa bersama 
indahnya dunia cobra
romantis dan belaian roman 
penuh kelembutan dan kesabaran 
Cobra Sweat Matoa tersipu malu 

iya diriku cobra bukan perayu 
kugapai harapan yang baru 
itulah keindahan akan hidup
ingin kuberbagi 
hanya mimpi semanis matoa 
itulah cinta dan kata makna 

mawar terasa indah bila ia berwarna
cobra pujangga cinta semanis matoa
katakanlah wahai kata yang diam seribu bahasa
apakah maknamu bisa bermakna tanpa kata
apakah nilai kiasan kata itu dalam kamus sang pujangga..
bisakah warna itu terlihat indah jika warna itu sendiri
...hitam pun terasa indah jika terbias air dan berubah menjadi merah,kuning,jingga,abu-abu dan hitam bahkan biru
satu warna seribu makna
..dalam pena pujangga tak kan bermakna tanpa respon pembaca

ya ada waktu untuk saatnya bersedih
karena aku cobra sweat matoa
ada waktu tersenyum 
Cobra Sweat Matoa  itulah aku
Liar alam kan kutaklukan dibawah kakimu bunda 
 dan kupersembahkan semanis matoa kepadamu


Selasa, 01 Maret 2011


( Cobra Sweat Matoa )

I may not see things
The way you do
Or understand
Why you are you

I may not see it
Through and through
But it’s easier
When I look at you

I will not change,
I will not have different moods,
I will not be erratic,
I will not hurt your feelings sometimes,
I will always be strong my faults will not show… 

Sometimes I wonder
Why you’re so patient and kind
Or what you’re thinking
When I look in your eyes

And sometimes I think
I don’t deserve your love
Or anything else
You’ve given up

I will give you freedom to be yourself,
I will understand everything that you do,
I will be completely honest with you,
I will cry and laugh with you,
I will help you to achieve all your goals…

I wonder
Why you stay
When things get harder
Every day

The thought of you
Saying good-bye
Is enough
To make me cry
I love you
Until the day that I die
And I hope
When I turn around
You’ll be the one
By my side
I love you
Until the day that I die

I say this
Without hesitation
I love you more
As time goes by
For this thought
I would never lie
I love you
Until the day that I die

( Cobra Sweat Matoa )

TIME IN LOVE ( I love you forever and a day ) ( Cobra Sweat Matoa )

TIME IN LOVE ( I love you forever and a day )
( Cobra Sweat Matoa )

I have never looked deep into your eyes 
but I know the look of love you have for me.
I have never touched your hand 
but I feel the gentleness you carry for me.

I am the happiest i've ever been
sometimes i think it's all because of him
it's weird the way he mwkes me feel
Please! pinch i can't believe it's real
I love you forever and a day

when i lay in his arms it feels like a dream
our lips touch and is seems they make the perfect team
we seem to fit like tamed dogsand stray cats
I love you forever and a day

tall dark beauty muscular unique and sweet
they all sound so ridiculously delidious you could eat
sometimes i wonder was he made just for me
he's like my eyes seriuosly without him i can't see
I love you forever and a day

determined beautiful bold he stol my heart
believe me when i say it will take the jaws of life to pull us apart
I have but the faith that one day we will meet and it is that day I long for. 
I love you forever and a day.

TIME IN LOVE ( I love you forever and a day )
( Cobra Sweat Matoa )


CINTAKU TERUKIR DALAM KATA PENA SASTRAKU BERKATA CINTA KEPADAMU (Dalam pena aku memelukmu hanya cinta yang terindah dalam percintaan puisiku membawa rasa cinta seindah sastra memeluk kita bercinta) Karya Asli : Cobra Sweat Matoa ( Temmy Amardi )

(Dalam pena aku memelukmu hanya cinta yang terindah dalam percintaan
puisiku membawa rasa cinta seindah sastra memeluk kita bercinta)
Karya Asli : Cobra Sweat Matoa ( Temmy Amardi )

senyumanmu merubah hariku..hanya kepadamu cinta ini memuja
kan kutulis dalam bait puisiku akan cinta
sampai terbentuk frase terindah dalam kata
yang sekuat banteng dalam pikiran mengukir rasa cinta
sekuat dan tahan uji selalu tersirat dalam jiwa

kehangatan sentuhan asmaramu
membawaku senyaman bagai bepeluk kelembutan selembut bulu-bulu angsa
lembut hangat seperti sutra hingga terasa madu bercinta
seindah pelangi memberi keindahan akan kita
bersinar indah puncak gunung bercinta seindah kemilau
emas matahari,
tenunan kata mengartikulasikan garis-garis besar halusinasi
tak kan ada cemas gundah akan pena terukir dalam kata
hadirmu yang ku cinta merubah masa
kesulitan menjadi indah.

apapun yang kan terjadi rasa cintaku hanya milikmu sayang
hatiku tersimpan satu kasih akan cinta sayangmu
berjalan kita bersama seindah kenangan manja
Dalam pena aku memelukmu
hanya cinta yang terindah dalam percintaan
puisiku membawa rasa cinta seindah sastra memeluk kita bercinta

ketika kita gentar berteriak
kecemasaaku datang mengobati rindumu
hati ini mengerti suasana akan asmaramu
Aku mencintaimu karena kutahu kau mencintaiku
Dalam pena aku memelukmu
hanya cinta yang terindah dalam percintaan
puisiku membawa rasa cinta
seindah sastra memeluk kita bercinta

dalam dengungan kuat dalam pendengaran ini bisikanmu ada
halus menggelitik kulit lembut batin dengan denyutan asmara
dalam tidurpun ada bayangan indah cintamu
saat pagi menyapa hadirmu menyapa bangun pagiku
dalam kepenatan tampak keceriaan cinta kita
saat menangis ku usap air matamu
Aku mencintaimu karena kutahu kau mencintaiku
Dalam pena aku memelukmu
hanya cinta yang terindah dalam percintaan
puisiku membawa rasa cinta
seindah sastra memeluk kita bercinta

penuhi dengan berbagai macam warna pada kataku
menuliskan kisah indah penaku berdansa dalam kata
mentransformasikannya menjadi humorinya cinta
cinta ini sejuk mengairahkan gairah cinta didada
merdu nada satu pikiran dalam satu irama cinta
lembut seputih batu safir dalam kiasan

Cinta indah dihatimu
Seindah buaian malam membawa kelembaban untuk rumput
bangunkanlah cinta dihatiku
Ubah kehidupan cinta kita
hadit terbuai dalam pelukan kata-kata
isikanlah sampai terisi dalamnya sampai saku rompiku pun ada cinta
sang malam pun menjadi terdiam dan sinar matahari,
telah memenuhi keinginan tak terpuaskan untuk mengeksplorasi dunia kita,
Dalam pena aku memelukmu
hanya cinta yang terindah dalam percintaan
puisiku membawa rasa cinta
seindah sastra memeluk kita bercinta

bantulah cinta menciptakan cinta itu, dan sudah tertanam,
takkan terlewat sedetikpun rasa ini
pena besi chromku pun berteriak aku cinta padamu
Dalam pena aku memelukmu
hanya cinta yang terindah dalam percintaan
puisiku membawa rasa cinta
seindah sastra memeluk kita bercinta

(Dalam pena aku memelukmu hanya cinta yang terindah dalam percintaan
puisiku membawa rasa cinta seindah sastra memeluk kita bercinta)
Karya Asli : Cobra Sweat Matoa ( Temmy Amardi )


PEN MY LOVE IN MY LITERATURE COUSE I LOVE YOU HONEY ( in my pen I hug you couse my love spesial for you in literature romance bring my heart to you ) Original By : Cobra Sweat Matoa ( Temmy Amardi )

( in my pen I hug you couse my love spesial for you in literature romance bring my heart to you )
Original By :

Surya Patih Gajah Madha

Cobra Sweat Matoa ( Temmy Amardi )


Hi love I say in your smile.Lovely day your a passion love
I scribbled innumerable lines of literature with it,
it was still ready to execute a umpteenth phrases
being as strong as an ox when it came to decoding
thoughts into verse,
even when tested at bizarre limits of endurance.

arms are always warm,
comfortable sleep in the spring hairy goose
warm soft as silk until it feels honey seduce of for love
my love whom I love these beautiful rainbow as beautiful 
a i sketched glowing peaks of mountain basking in the
golden sun,
weaving articulate outlines of the encroaching
it yielded to the faintest of my caress; unleashing
dark forms with fountain
a true stalwart engulfing me in the times of

No matter what you say or do I will always love you.
In my heart your that special one.
the part that isn't done. I love
when you bring me out. 
in my pen I hug you 
couse my love spesial for you 
in literature romance bring my heart to you

when we scream or shout.
You act foolish with what you say
but I understand in all kinds of ways.
I love you for who you are,
in my pen I hug you 
couse my love spesial for you 
in literature romance bring my heart to you

i even used it for scraping minute blotches of dirt
from my ear,
delicately tickling the inner soft skin with insipid
When I went to bed last night, my last thought was of you.
When I woke up this morning, my first thought was of you.
it obliged pathetically to whatever i did,
didn’t shed a tear from its eye; nor developed a
retaliatory hole in its heart.

I love you for who you are,
in my pen I hug you 
couse my love spesial for you 
in literature romance bring my heart to you

i filled it with surplus amounts of colored ink,
sprinkling the same with lots of glee on the faces of
my counterpart mates,
transforming them into jocular clowns,
with an awe-inspiring Lovely day your a passion love
melodious tone of one mind in the rhythm of love
of white skin with opalescent paint.

Beautiful love your heart
As beautiful as the cradle of the night brought moisture to the grass
you wake the love of my heart
Change your love life
hugs in my thoughts
i kept it well stuffed within the interiors of my
waistcoat pocket,
lived with it for all night and sunlight day,
it had fulfilled my insatiable desire to explore the
I love you for who you are,
in my pen I hug you 
couse my love spesial for you 
in literature romance bring my heart to you

assisted me create the love; and already burried,
i hardly skipped exiting my place of dwelling,
without the reassuring comfort of my chrome tipped
couse I love you for who you are,
in my pen I hug you 
couse my love spesial for you 
in literature romance bring my heart to you

( in my pen I hug you couse my love spesial for you in literature romance bring my heart to you )
Original By : Cobra Sweat Matoa ( Temmy Amardi )